Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus)

What does this mushroom look like and where can it be found?

Lion’s Mane is a creamy white mushroom that resembles fluffy pompoms. It has long, relaxed spines that protrude from its base. Found in late summer to fall, it grows in clumps on hardwood trees, favoring the American beech tree. It can also be found growing on maple, oak and birch trees. They grow in North America and can also be found in Japan and China.

How is Lion’s Mane prepared?

This mushroom is considered to be one of the most delectable mushrooms on the market. It can be eaten raw or cooked. It has a taste that is often compared to that of crab or lobster. It is often served on pasta, in stew or soup. As a medicinal mushroom, it can be eaten whole or obtained in capsules, powders, and tinctures. For the best potency, find a reputable source that dual extracts the beneficial compounds out of the whole fruiting body.

What diseases and conditions is Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) used for?

  • Memory issues
  • Dementia
  • Nerve Pain and Neuropathy
  • Stomach problems
  • Cancer
  • Anxiety and Irritability
  • Weight loss
  • MS

What are the risks of taking Lion’s Mane?

Lion’s Mane mushrooms are safe to eat. There are no negatives to ingesting this mushroom either in its natural state or through powders or tinctures. Allergies are always a concern, so it is recommended that smaller doses are taken at first.

How much Lion’s Mane do you need to take in order to get the benefit?

The amount of mushroom to take daily varies depending upon the source of your information and the supplier. If you consume the mushroom in its natural state, you will need to eat at least 6-8 ounces since most of the fruiting body is made up of fiber. If you consume Lion’s Mane in the form of an extract the recommended amount will vary between 1 – 3 grams depending upon the source of your information. Some sources recommend supplementation once a day and others two to three times per day. There is no established scientific criteria regarding dosage.